A Report of the ALP Private Sector Engagement Townhalls on AfCFTA

A Report of the ALP Private Sector Engagement Townhalls on AfCFTA - Exploring the New Market Opportunities and Policy Challenges for Africa’s Private Sector under AfCFTA - 

The African Continental Free Trade Agreement (the AfCFTA) private sector townhalls are a series of dialogues undertaken by the Africa Law Practice law firms over the course of 2021 and 2022 to discuss the opportunities and challenges arising from the AfCFTA and to provide the African private sector and potential investors with the opportunity to engage in and contribute to the implementation of the AfCFTA.

Feedback from our clients across the continent since the implementation of the AfCFTA has suggested that there is a distinct lack of information and knowledge across the African private sector about the AfCFTA and the opportunities it holds for cross-border trade. Further, that government and multi-lateral institutions need input and support from the private sector in order to ensure the successful implementation of the Agreement. This is particularly the case where there are significant changes required to national policies, legislation and regulations.

Governments (national and regional) have a responsibility to ensure that a favourable business environment exists for all private sector actors, in particular SMEs, women-owned and youth led enterprises. They therefore need to be aware of the key constraints for private sector entities in realising their potential to contributing to the success of the AfCFTA and continental economic growth.

The ALP Townhalls are a mechanism for diagnosing the problems and opportunities for private sector engagement with the AfCFTA and a channel for communication with relevant public sector authorities tasked with delivering the Agreement at continental, national, sub-national, local and sub-sector levels.

Each Townhall draws on the expertise of renowned professionals from both the public and private sectors across the continent and beyond to discuss the implications and opportunities of the AfCFTA for their sectors and industries. So far, Townhalls have discussed the provisions of the agreement itself and the implementation process to date. They have also explored three key protocols under negotiation – Investment, Competition and E-Commerce.

ALP Townhalls Summary Report.pdf2.76 MB